
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sarasota Plein Air

Towles Court Morning
8" x 10"
Thanks to my Facebook artist friend, Lawrence Chrapliwy for suggesting this:  Set a timer for 20 minutes for composition, then 40 minutes for getting the rest down.  Below is what I was able to do in an hour and above is the finish which took another hour.  The technique really works to set a timer and work faster on location!  The stained glass window, and the light on the door, first captured my attention.  Took photos of this scene and can see why it's impossible to really "see" the true colors from a snapshot!  I know my drawing is a little quirky, but it's a true impression of the moment.  Below... the results of the timed first hour and a snapshot of the location setup. 
Painting after one hour
My painting set up

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