
Friday, May 13, 2011

Florida Plein Air

Lemon Bay from the Funeral Parlor, 6x6" oil
Some of the best views are in the most unlikely places.  This was painted from the funeral parlor parking lot at the end of Dearborn Street in Englewood.  Other painters from the Lemon Bay Plein Air group were gathered under the shade of trees in a nearby grassy area.  I stuck it out under the sun at the edge of the water because the view was splendid, but had to paint fast.  Not only sun, but ants... fireants were swarming around my legs.  At least they caused me to change my technique into something looser and speedier. 

1 comment:

  1. Love your work! Discovered your blog from The Daily Paintworks challenge. That was a hard one for me!Thanks for giving that gentle nudge to paint from life...always so revealing!
