
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Another Seascape Oil Painting

Gulfscape #3, 8x10" oil
      On a roll... painting these bloody waves until I get them right, at least right in my mind's eye!  They're all small but just practice for the huge water painting Betsy wants.  Years ago, I painted a lot of water paintings.  I think these are much better than the old ones.  Going to the beach and staring at the Gulf a lot has helped. 
      Used ultramarine blue, cerulean, perylene red, cad yellow light, and titanium white for this one.  But last night, I was inspired by Karin Jurick's palette (watched one of her video's on You Tube).  She uses a lot more colors and mixes as many together as she wants.  My next wave painting, the one I'm working on right now, has a much more colorful palette, at least three more colors.  A stretch for me!

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