
Thursday, September 22, 2011

One Stroke At A Time

Diane Mannion, One Stroke At A Time, 18x24" oil
      Have been working on this for a couple of days and I promise you... the colors don't look anything like this.  It's very difficult to photograph a wet painting, especially with so many dark colors.  When this dries, I'll try to get a better shot.  Meanwhile, consider it stage 3 and below are the first two:
stage 1, ultramarine blue sketch
stage 2, worked on background


  1. Thanks for sharing the steps. The colors look good to me!

  2. Very striking Diane! I like it.

    I have continual frustrations over cameras. It's a love hate thing. I love being able to take thousands of photos as reference material, yet I hate how it can't capture my work. For those of us who use a wide range of subtle values and colors, it's such a disappointment to see the camera version. It just can't deal with it.

  3. Thank you, Pam! But the colors in the photograph are way off.
    And Susan, you are right about how cameras capture our work... sometimes it's right on but in this case not even close. Shot in many different conditions, this is best of worst. That's why I prefer to scan my work, but that only works if painting is small enough. Oh well.

  4. Beautifully painted – I love the brightness in there.
