
Friday, January 13, 2012

The Celery Barn

Diane Mannion, THE CELERY BARN, 6X6" oil
Painted with the PASC (Plein Air Painters Sun Coast) group yesterday at Towles Court, Sarasota, FL.  This wonderful and talented group of artists (myself included!) is having a show at The Celery Barn, March 15th.  
When I brought this painting home and touched it up, I noticed the slight "lean" to the left.  I think it must be the angle of my easel.  Also painted without my glasses, using only sunglasses.  I only added a few details (the "wonky" hand-lettered sign) and worked on the red Ti plant in the flower pot.  Both plants were on the porch when I started then moved outside when the gallery opened.  Left on on the porch but like the way the outside plant works here.  
Here's the flyer for the Light Chasers: Plein Air Painters of the Sun Coast:

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