
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Gulfscape Again

Diane Mannion, GULFSCAPE AGAIN, 8x10" oil
Spent a day at the beach painting a gulfscape last summer and touched it up at home.  Somehow, I captured all the right color notes and feeling of that day.  A few people wanted to buy it but I held onto it, trying to figure out what made it "work."  I finally sold the original yesterday, but first made this same size copy to use as reference to paint a larger version.  No matter how hard I tried to capture the feeling and energy of the original, it's just not the same!   I like both versions but think the original is more sincere and true to the time and place... the best reason to paint on location.  Something intangible comes home with every plein air piece.  Buy.
Diane Mannion, original GULFSCAPE sold

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