
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dr Richard

Diane Mannion, DR RICHARD, 8x6"oil
      Another distinguished artist in my Heady Portrait class, Ringling's Englewood.  We all enjoyed his sharp mind and gentle personality and will miss him when he heads back north. 
       Used the Zorn palette on the background only here... really love how black, white, and yellow ochre make neutral green.  The rest of the portrait had every color on my palette thrown in... magenta, purple, permanent rose, Winsor red, ultramarine blue, etc. 
      For the two previous portraits posted, I used cadmium red light, black, yellow ochre, and ivory black.  Yesterday, Bonnie painted with the Zorn palette in class and used cadmium red, instead of cadmium red light.  It worked beautifully!  And Bonnie called it right... it's the Zen palette, not the Zorn.  Om...


  1. Your work never ceases to amaze me - I know that jealousy is a sin, so I'll just say that I'm in awe of your talent :o)

  2. If you knew how much I struggled with this one... you wouldn't feel that way, Jacki! Wish I could paint faster! I'd get it then I'd lose it, etc... Thanks so much for your kind comment.

  3. I love these portraits! Love the light you are able to achieve. Also love the skin beautiful.
