
Friday, May 18, 2012

San Antonio Sunflower

Diane Mannion, SAN ANTONIO SUNFLOWER, 6x6"oil
I'm just back from Texas where acres of sunflowers glowed yellow in stark contrast to dark, purple-gray skies.  This one was sunstruck when a hole opened briefly in the clouds and the rain stopped long enough to snap a few reference photos.  Mom waited in the car parked just off the road near a steep, muddy ditch and worried when she spotted a pickup truck nearby with a rather large dog in the back.  Fortunately, the beast was looking in the opposite direction and didn't see me sloshing through the mud as I chased the sun's brief spotlight across the field.  
I love how sunflowers follow the sun's path across the sky during the day, all facing the same direction,  heads nodding and bobbing in agreement.  Sunflowers were the highlight of the trip!

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