
Monday, June 18, 2012

Water People

Diane Mannion, Water People, 20x16" oil on linen
 Was intrigued by the pattern of elbows and knee and the zig zag of waves... invented for dramatic effect.  Was happy with the accidental pattern of the distant wave echoed with the dark image in the froth.  (Little things that make artists happy!) Demo in next post.


  1. Wow! Diane you have such skill with the skin tones, it takes my breath away! Your subject's skin glows like a Caravaggio painting (that's my ultimate idea of perfect skin tones). I love the light and shadow and how that makes the colors change too! Oh, and the waves on the water... just wow!

  2. Thank you, Katherine! I'm blushing so much I'd have to use extra permanent rose if I were painting a self portrait.

  3. Beautifully done! It is a great pose with the tangle of elbows and knees and you've done a wonderful job. I look forward to your sharing the process, thank you!

  4. Thanks, Kathleen! Hope to finish the mother's hand (the unfinished mystery item)and post the demo later.

  5. Diane this is such a wonderful portrait of a moment in time. Lovely composition and colors. Beautiful!
