
Monday, July 16, 2012

Snippet Series #1

Diane Mannion, SNIPPET SERIES #1, 3.5x2.5"oil
      I'm a huge fan of Duane Keiser's Oddments (tiny paintings).   So when this week's Challenge was suggested... I was delighted.  The Paint It Small Challenge, suggested by David Lloyd, is to paint an ACEO (2.5 x 3.5) size.  Also referred to as Artist Trading Cards or ATCs.  ACEO stands for Art Card Editions and Originals.  Just checked Ebay, there are currently 7,537 originals available... only 336 oils, 2027 watercolors.
      It's a handy exercise for using left over paint at the end of the day.  And when time is short, a way to practice those painting strokes and technique and still have something to show for it.  Really fun!  Now I know why I've collected all those tiny antique bottles. 

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