
Friday, August 3, 2012

Charleston Beer Exchange

Diane Mannion, Charleston Beer Exchange, 3.5x2.5"oil on linen
Snippet Series #9

      Friends brought this beer back from Charleston, SC, one of my favorite cities.  The beer was delicious!  I understand they can have the bottle refilled on their next visit.  Can't wait.  
      Another Snippet, reorganizing my messy and seriously cluttered studio so only had time for a little one.  Moved things around and now I can paint near the north light windows.  The light is cool and steady all day, although there were a lot of clouds casting shadows on and off.  Sold


  1. Beer exchange is a great idea! So is your painting! It could be the logo for the beer exchange newsletter!

  2. Good idea, Katherine. Planning on having a few beer exchanges while floating in the pool this weekend. Thanks for your comment.

  3. Neat little painting. I'll hafta check out that beer when next I'm in Charleston. Sounds interesting, and good!

  4. Thank you for your neat comment, Laura! And have fun in Charleston.
