
Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Diane Mannion, EPAZOTE, 3.5x2.5" oil on linen
Snippet Series #13
      OK.  What was I thinking?  What fun it would be to paint a tin can on a tin box?  And not use any black paint?  The grays were mixed with red, yellow, blue and white.  This can came with others inside of a box of spices and herbs that my daughter gave us for Christmas a few years ago.  And I've been posting paintings everyday with her in mind.  She's working on a film half way around the world and reading my blog makes her feel less homesick.  
      Epazote is sometimes called pigweed or Mexican tea, an herb used in Mexican and Caribbean cooking.  Sometimes used for medicinal purposes to ward off the effects of eating beans.  SOLD

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