
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Rusty Roof

Diane Mannion, Rusty Roof, 6x8" oil

      On the way home from Arcadia, Florida, which is almost in the middle of the state, this great old house was on the side of a busy highway.  Had to stop and snap a few reference photos.  There were two main reasons why I didn't paint this en plein air.  1. Busy highway, trucks going 65 a few feet behind me.  2. A big dog.  And when I looked across the highway, a man was holding back two more.    
      What I liked about this ramshackled residence was the care someone took to prop up a tender, young hibiscus tree blooming with pink flowers at the edge of the driveway.  The place has seen quite a few hurricanes, especially hurricane Charley that ripped across the state destroying everything in its path.  The roof is wind warped and rusted but still there!

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