
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Venice Beach, Snippet #15

Diane Mannion, Venice Beach Snippet #15, 2.5x3.5""oil on linen
      There are days when it's difficult to post a daily painting because other, larger works are in progress.  Another Snippet comes to the rescue.  This started as a thumbnail sketch, conveniently sized as an ACEO or a miniature painting.  I have a stack this size prepared with linen mounted on panels.  Have been putting some on the eBay auction and they have done well enough for me to afford a few more tubes of paint!


  1. This is a beautiful little piece, Diane!

  2. Thanks, Dean! It was fun to see how much space could be fit into a tiny area. And also, thank you for your comment on my Cardinal Red Ink bottle a few posts ago. D
