
Friday, September 7, 2012

Bottle Blues

Diane Mannion, Bottle Blues, 3.5x2.5"oil on linen
Snippet Series #20

      Still on brief hiatus here.  A lot going on behind the scenes!  Managed to paint this snippet during a lull in family festivities.  
      Love the blues in this bottle and how they reflect on the background colors.  It's only about two inches tall, an antique Bromo Seltzer sample from Baltimore, MD.  Someday, I'll spend more time on another painting and include the lettering.  Dropped this on the concrete floor of my studio just before painting it!  Could see no damage... thank heavens!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Diane,

    You reminded me that I bought three of those little bromo seltzer bottles while I was up in Maine last summer. I bought them with the obvious intention to paint them,but totally forgot about them until now! You did a lovely job with these bottles. I hope everything is okay. Not sure what the crisis is, but I am sending a big hug your way.
