
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Venice Beach October

Diane Mannion, Venice Beach October, 6x6" oil
      Only had a short time to paint this morning with the Light Chasers plein air group in Venice.  Delightful welcoming back the snowbird artists!
      I'm much happier with this little painting than my last post... maybe only allowing myself an hour to get the paint down helped.  Keep it simple!  Slap that paint down and leave it alone!  
      Will be taking a workshop this weekend at the Eileen Corse Gallery with Dreama Tolle Perry.  She doesn't paint anything at all like me... so I expect to pick up some new ideas, especially about color.  Check out Dreama's work and also visit the Corse Gallery.
      See you here next Tuesday!  Have a painterly weekend.  SOLD


  1. You captured wonderful light in this! It's lovely.

  2. I don't know how you do this in an hour!! Nicely done... love the contrast of light and shadow and the colors in the water.

    Have a great time at Dreama's workshop! I follow her blog and she seems like a ball of fire! I'm sure it will be a fun experience... hope you will give us a full report!:)
