
Monday, September 30, 2013

Beach Sunflowers

Diane Mannion, Beach Sunflowers, 6x6" oil on gessoboard
#21 of the 30/30

September 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge

Today's the last day (phew!) of Leslie Saeta's 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge.  Last January, I was able to complete 30 paintings, but not this time.  (That is unless I crank out nine more before midnight...)  Do I feel bad because I only completed 21?  Heck NO! 

The month was filled with unexpected interruptions (stress) that made it impossible to paint on some days.  Life happens.  The 30/30 challenge was another bit of nagging stress always in the background.  When I set goals and don't achieve them I feel guilty.  This time, I'm forgiving myself and giving thanks for creating 21 paintings!  Good practice and I actually like some of them. 

October's a fresh new month with another set of goals that I'm setting for myself.  Already painted 121 for the year!


  1. Nice painting Diane. I have enjoyed seeing your paintings this month. Keep up the good work! I am almost finished with todays work and will post. Just needed to take a break. Paint on.

  2. Thank you, Sandy. I'm SO glad it's over. Good for you to paint in the challenge! Bet you can't wait until Leslie's next one in January.

  3. Just my cup of tea. Love the colors and the strong angle. Makes those clouds seem so real.
    Congrats for finishing the Challenge. I think it shows you have a good head on your shoulders when you could let a day go. Wish I could have done that.It would have saves a lot of stress.

  4. Yay, it's over! Diane, I like your attitude. I especially like following your work. You are a great inspiration!

  5. Beautiful work! You packed a lot into 6".

  6. Thank you, Julie! Yes, felt I was in control when I absolutely HAD to take a few days off (dental surgery!).

  7. Linda, one of the best things about this challenge is the comaraderie between the artists! I enjoy seeing what you're up to. Bravo!

  8. Thank you, Pam! Sometimes I think I put too much into a 6x6" and can't stop painting. Too much fun.
