
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Venice Boardwalk

Diane Mannion, Venice Boardwalk, 6x6" oil on gessoboard


Spent the morning visiting some of the 30/30 artists, finally getting to see their paintings.  BRAVO to all 400+ artists!  

Quick-study (but never quick enough!) of the Venice Boardwalk from photo reference.  Practice. Practice.  Never stop.  Solved several visual problems, first in the thumbnail sketch, then while painting.
Thumbnail sketch

Reference photo
Final painting again.  Zoomed in on center of interest.  Favorite parts were the palm tree shadow on the walkway, and the bright shine of the tin roof.  Moved beach umbrella and stair railing closer to pavilion on the left.  Simplified plants as much as I could.  Painted on iron earth toned panel.
Good afternoon practice.

Richard McKinley wrote a beautiful article on the importance of drawing.  I've followed his work for years and love it.  Whether you're a pastel artist or not, his blog is a wealth of information.  
Go read it here and enjoy!


  1. Beautiful painting and thanks for the reference to the drawing article.

  2. Thank you, Maggie! Keep drawing, whether with pencil, pen, palette knife, paper towel, fingers, or brush... it's all drawing.
