
Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Diane Mannion, Pansy in Dark Glass, 3.5x2.5" oil on linen/mounted, 2014 Snippet #23.

Miniature Paintings

Taped all the 2014 snippets I've done so far (33!) onto a board yesterday and took them into the class I was teaching in Punta Gorda.   Instant miniature art show!  Reminded me of those tiny pieces of furniture salesmen used to carry around in the olden days, not that I'm that old, but have seen historical photos.   Thought it would be really neat to make a gallery appointment and carry these in as samples... "This is how I paint but they will be 3x2 feet instead of inches."

This is the 23 day of Leslie Saeta's 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge.  It's been a snap at this size!  Finished and forging ahead.  Putting these paintings into a Blurb book along with still life painting tips.  

Looking forward to (one of my favorite artists) Marc Hanson's A LEAP INTO FEBRUARY... 4 paintings a day!   Check it out!!!


  1. Love the idea of snippets together to show your work. Nothing beats seeing the actual paint. I like the Blurb book idea, thought of doing one myself but haven't ever done it.We are almost there!

  2. Thanks, Anne. Yes, we are almost there and it has been well worth it. But glad I decided to work smaller than the 8x10" size last January. I've had a half-finished Blurb book sitting around for a long time. These Snippets will tie it together. Now, all I have to do it.

  3. Great idea to work small and say, "I work like this but larger." What I have found so helpful to show people what I've painted is to bring my iPhone or my iPad and whip out the photos I've taken. Another instant gallery! (And we'd look SO tech sa-vey...yeah, us!)

  4. Thanks for commenting, Kathleen.
    I think gallery owners would hate us if we whipped out our iPhones. Friends and family... fine.
