
Friday, February 21, 2014

Uncommon Grace

Diane Mannion, Uncommon Grace, 10x8" oil on linen, plein air

Painting Palms

Painted with the sun blinking like a strobe light as clouds passed overhead.  Locked in shadow patterns first, then hit the lights from brief glimpses and memory.   Wind kicked up, had to stop sooner than I would have.  Simply signed it in fresh-from-the-field condition.  Darn good morning!

Palms are tricky to paint without them looking like toilet bowl brushes.  Helps to forget about each frond or leaf and think in terms of masses.  The more I study palms, the more I see... easy to get lost in the wild party of details.   Keep it simple, drop in a few sky holes and you're done.  Easy peasy... NOT!

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