
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Art Student

The Art Student, 12x9" oil on linen
©Diane Mannion

Rainy day studio painting.  When I took the reference photo, it was the first time ever for this artist to paint outside. Have changed her a lot... reduced age from fifty-something to twenty-something.  In the watercolor study yesterday (which already found a new home!), reduced the art student to about twelve.  Think it's time to paint another self-portrait... and shrink my age too!

Now until May 30, ring the bell at the mansion and someone will let you in:


  1. VERY NICE! Without the lines of light, this painting would be boring. But with the light, it's highly appealing. I love light!

  2. funny - but I think you should do just that - repaint to your mind's-eye creative zone - whatever age that is. would be an awesome series, don't you think? My guess is one will not be enough. . . . ten, twenty, thirty, ha, ha.

  3. Thanks, Susan...yes! The subject comes alive with light!

  4. Johnna,yes, we're only as young as we think we are. It's the age of the imagination (mine's 5).
