
Friday, September 5, 2014

Triathlon Director

Triathlon Director, watercolor, 5.5x8.5" ©Diane Mannion

Day 5 of the 30/30 Challenge

Took a reference photo of John directing the runners at a local triathlon along Englewood Beach.  Always liked the vibrant colors of the shirt and vest in the morning light.  Simplified and changed things a lot.  Darkened the background to make the figure appear brighter. 


  1. It is amazing how much you can capture his likeness! I like your progress in the new watercolor effect you're trying out. You do know your watercolors are my favorite. Yup...they are!

  2. What a wonderful sun-shiney painting! I love all your challenge paintings so far. You really are a challenge veteran now Diane! I'm on my second and am taking an easier approach with this one by sketching in ink.

  3. Kathleen, you're such a sweetie. And yes, I'm having fun with watercolors lately.

  4. Thanks, Wendy. It's my fourth time and I still have that bit of fear and worry that I won't be able to do it. Believe me... it's great when it's over. I'll go over and have a look at your ink sketches.
