
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Holiday Lunch

Holiday Lunch, 6x6" oil/panel, ©Diane Mannion

30/30, Day 4

Started with limited palette of yellow ochre, red iron oxide, and ultramarine blue.  Added red for final touches on ribbon and face.   30 Paintings in 30 Days... NOT easy on weekends! 

Underpainting, wiped off... worked on white panel.


  1. Very nice! ...and you are right, it's NOT easy on weekends!

  2. Thank you, Julie, Sue, and Barbara!

  3. She is really sweet the hair how it is highlighted in just the right spots! glad to see you back...I was looking for you as your mini still life paintings but am enjoying your new stuff as well!!

  4. Thanks, Renee! Kept staring at this incredible young woman at lunch. I changed her appearance as much as possible... but what a great face to paint. Worked from a snapshot while pretending to focus on my granddaughter... got a great close-up of her braces! Ha!
