
Friday, January 9, 2015

Woman with an Attitude

Woman with an Attitude, 6x6" oil, ©Diane Mannion

Portrait Studio Study

Painted at the Venice Art Center's Portrait Studio this afternoon.  This model had wire glasses I didn't feel like painting, also changed her mouth to make her look more glamorous.  Lied a lot.  But good fun painting from life in the company of a gaggle of artists packed in elbow to elbow.

This is #9 of Leslie Saeta's 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge.


  1. Great portrait. I just love women with "attitudes". The painting I did yesterday of Mabel Alvarez had "attitude" as well!

  2. Love this portrait!
    The woman seems a bit sad and attentive.
    The eyes are so expressive and beautifuly painted.

  3. Thanks, Martine! Not thrilled with this one... had to make a lot up because I didn't want to paint the models glasses. Painting from life's tough! But great practice for the next one.

  4. Jeanette,Thanks! We're a third of the way through the 30/30. My "attitude" right now is relief.
