
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Rachael as Leonardo's Princess

Rachael as Leonardo's Princess, 14x11" oil, ©Diane Mannion


Posting this one again due to computer glitches, hacking, etc... please forgive.  The lead photo on my blog is automatically posted into Dailypaintworks, but for some reason it didn't show up.  And because I'm a featured artist there this month, I think this one is worthy of showing.  

And here's a watercolor started as a demo for a portrait class I was teaching.  One of my students just bought a house on Picasso Street, so this painting will live there too!
 A Guy That Looks Like Picasso, 6x6" watercolor, ©Diane Mannion

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Bromeliad Garden

Bromeliad Garden, 11x14" oil, plein air, ©Diane Mannion

Selby Gardens, Sarasota

Wonderful opportunity painting at Selby with the Light Chasers yesterday!  Met some talented artists also participating in the Sarasota Paintout.  Tourists enjoyed seeing our paintings and snapped photos of us along with the flowers.  We were a colorful part of the scenery, but unfortunately, the sun never came out and we had to paint in thick, hazy sea-fog. 
My setup

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Early Morning

Early Morning, 11x14" oil, plein air, ©Diane Mannion

Purple Clouds

Another painting from yesterday at Caspersen Beach, Venice, Florida.  Only a few fishermen and some morning walkers when I started this, but later, the beach was speckled with hundreds of tourists.
High season here... have to go early to find a parking spot.  Everyone's saying this is the most crowded it's ever been down here! 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Caspersen Beach Noon

Caspersen Beach Noon, 11x14" oil, plein air, ©Diane Mannion


My computer was hacked!  After having it "cleaned" I've spent countless hours changing passwords and trying to locate images and software.  Will take a lot more time to get back to what it was.  

This also caused me to be locked out of my blog!  Horrible experience.  Be careful out there folks!  (Thought I was talking to Comcast...NOT!)

Still don't have iPhoto or Photoshop working, this is just an iPhone photo.  Fabulous time painting in Venice today during the Light Chasers Sarasota Paintout.

Location Shot

Another Boldbrush Winner!
One Two, Buckle My Shoe, 6x6" oil, ©Diane Mannion

Sunday, February 8, 2015


Hopscotch, 8x10" oil/linen panel, ©Diane Mannion

A couple of horn toots!  

Honored to be awarded a ribbon by judge Terry Mason for my Seminole Trader painting at the Punta Gorda Visual Art Center Plein Air Artists exhibition.
Seminole Trader, 8x10" oil, plein air, ©Diane Mannion

DAILY PAINTWORKS!  I was selected as a Judges Pick for my painting, One Two Buckle My Shoe, in January and will be a featured artist February!
One Two Buckle My Shoe, 6x6" oil,  ©Diane Mannion

Painted Hopscotch with a limited red, yellow, blue, and white palette over underpainting of transparent red iron oxide and ultramarine blue.
Underpainting for Hopscotch

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Rachael as DaVinci's Princess

Rachael as Leonardo's Princess

While teaching portrait painting this week, my assignment was to use Leonardo Da Vinci's (fake?) Princess as a starting point for a painting.   The idea came from a painting I did in 2010 which I've included here along with the story from that blog post. 

My La Bella Principessa
after da Vinci?
60" x 40"

Each year members of the Punta Gorda Visual Arts Center reproduce historic paintings to be sold at auction to support the center.  One year it was Lautrec, this year it’s Leo vs Mike...  Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. 
            While researching da Vinci, I came across a beautiful profile of a young woman that had recently been discovered.  Once thought to be a  19th-century painting,  “La Bella Principessa,”  had been purchased in 2007 by a Swiss collector for $19,000.  In 2009, forensic art experts found a fingerprint of da Vinci in the background.   Multispectral scans showed layers of work that resembled da Vinci’s style.  Many leading art experts agreed it was the real thing.  It’s value soared to $160 million.
            “La Bella Principessa,” was painted on vellum with black, red, and white chalk, pen and ink and watercolor.  Mounted on an oak panel, it is only 13” by 9.”   (My reproduction is five feet tall. )  The girl is believed to be Bianca Sforza,  the illegitimate, conveniently changed to legitimate daughter of a duke of Milan.  In 1496, at age 13, she was married off to a captain of the duke’s military forces.  She died a few months later, possibly from an ectopic pregnancy.
  When half finished with my reproduction, I came across an article by Richard Dorment, recently published in the Telegraph, UK, April 12.  Here’s the link.  Well worth reading!
            Richard Dorment lists many reasons why he believes the painting’s a fake.  The detail that stood out to me...  the same expert who used a fingerprint to prove a Jackson Pollock painting which later proved to be a fake,  was the same expert that found the da Vinci print.  I think too many people involved with this painting have financial interests to gain.  
            I finished my reproduction which has been purchased.  It will not go to auction but the art center will gain. 
I now consider My La Bella Principessa a “real” painting of a fake.
Please follow the links to see the original? Leonardo painting (not sure about copyright laws to include image here).  Or simply Google Leonardo Da Vinci's Princess for images.

Monday, February 2, 2015


Hudson's, 11x14" oil, plein air, ©Diane Mannion

Rare Gray Day

Painted with the VAC Punta Gorda Artists this morning in Boca Grande before the rains hit.  Not my favorite painting conditions in sunny SW Florida, but good practice.  Was able to paint everything but the lettering and flag on location and resisted tinkering with the rest later.

During the Englewood Bank Art Show last weekend and also while painting in Boca Grande today... I told a lot of folks about our fabulous local art community!  Here are a few links:

VAC Punta Gorda... for plein air info and my class info.

Light Chasers Plein Air... fabulous group!

Ringling Englewood... I teach all levels, all mediums here on Wednesdays.