
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Following in Her Footsteps

Following in Her Footsteps, 8x10" oil, ©Diane Mannion

Wild Weekend

Honored by the Light Chasers as an Emerging Master during the Master Artist's Exhibition Gala at the Phillipi Estate Friday night.  Also sold my painting, Light Chasers!  Well over 200 "well-heeled" people viewed this stunning show.  Live music, fine wine and food, gorgeous art!
And on Saturday night, the Light Chaser's Paintout Gala Exhibition was attended by my guesstimate by at least 300 serious art lovers from Sarasota and surrounding area.  Folks were lined up to purchase paintings.

There was some pain with all the glory when Friday night a well-heeled woman with six inch metal stilettos stepped on my toe.  Had to limp outside before I splattered blood on everyone.  

Then on Saturday night, as I was about to step out and hand a gift card to Terry Mason (our fearless and fabulous leader)... a gentleman, also heading in that direction, tripped me when his foot collided with my shin.  Sent me down like a graceless bag of potatoes.  (Sure hope a video won't end up on Youtube!) Landed on my drawing hand and hip.  Hand's still sore but will be fine, hip might have been knocked into better alignment.  When I stood up and triumphantly raised both arms... everyone cheered... "Can't keep a good plein air painter down!"

Technical Info:  Following in Her Footsteps was painted over an old portrait I didn't like anymore (why waste a good painting surface?). 
Sketched with burnt sienna for sky and figure placement.
Worked from top to bottom painting background first and leaving "hole" for figures.
When underpainting was complete, I painted over everything again to punch those values!
Only a few spots of the portrait were left on the bottom left side... that purple color.


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