
Monday, March 16, 2015

Warm Mineral Springs, 2015

Warm Mineral Springs, 2015, 8x10" oil, plein air, ©Diane Mannion

Warm Mineral Springs, 2014 and 2015

 Warm Mineral Springs, 2014, 6x8" oil, plein air, ©Diane Mannion
Here's a link to the 2014 painting.  Warm Mineral Springs with some history.

Painted with the VAC Punta Gorda Plein Air Painters this morning in Northport at WMS.  About 30 enthusiastic artists surrounded the pond until almost noon.  

This year we were told, "No Swimming."  (We'd rather paint anyway and just as well, I picked up a nasty bug last year after swimming across.)   Meanwhile, crowds of folks waded or floated on noodles around and around in circles... chatting away in languages that sounded Slavic or Russian or Eastern European.
Painted on an old painting I didn't like anymore, Osprey Boathouse turned upside down.
 The view.  Left out the hideous pink chairs.
Waders wore colorful hats.

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