
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Blue Moon Tide

Blue Moon Tide, 8x10" oil, ©Diane Mannion

Nanatuck, Port Clyde, Maine
Part 10...last one!

Painted this the last day.  Mary Erickson had warned us... paint the thing that's changing fastest, usually it's the light and shadows, but in this case it was the tide.  While painting the sky and background, the rocky beach below disappeared.  Maybe the tide rushed in faster because of the Blue Moon?

This was the most difficult of all the week's paintings!  Dove in without a thumbnail sketch and paid dearly for this mistake.  Painted the whole thing over on top of the location study.
Location study which is now under the finished painting... showing how the tide rushed in.
Jane painting nearby
 A major highlight of the whole trip was meeting one of my favorite artists... DON DEMERS!!!
He's the guy sitting on the porch in the photos below. 
A BLUE MOON rose the last night at Nanatuck. 
My paintings... a good week's work!
Jane Sither took these photos of me painting at Marshall Point Lighthouse.

Thank you, Mary Erickson for organizing this great event!

Nanatuck, Five Star Review

July, 2015
Nanatuck, Port Clyde, Maine
Diane Mannion's One week Visit
Hosted by Master Artist and Mentor, Mary Erickson

Florida to Maine:  Refreshing change of one gorgeous scenic place for another... palm trees for pine,
sand for rocks, humidity for fog, hot for cool temps, shrimp for lobstahhh!

Renewed and made new artist friends... met Don Demers! 
Painted where Wyeths tread! 

Artistic evening camaraderie.  Gentle critiques.  Toasted our day's "catch" in mini-exhibitions. 
Gained technical and business advice.
Gained inspiration and recharged artistic drives!

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