
Saturday, August 8, 2015

Lightkeeper's House

Lightkeeper's House, 8x10" oil, ©Diane Mannion

Marshall Point Lighthouse

Nanatuck Part 6:  This building caused a lot of headaches for a few of us during Mary Erickson's artist's retreat  week at Nanatuck!  I returned twice to correct perspective and color.  Not an easy building to paint!

Left the sky and bottom half loose because it captured the late afternoon color just the way I saw it.  The seagull directly above the house was a happy accident... turned a fingernail smear into a bird rather than painting the sky over again. 

The original lightkeeper's house built in 1858, was struck by lightning and destroyed in June 1895, but was replaced by November 1895.  Photo from the Marshall Point Museum showing the original structure.
The lighthouse as it is now without the covered walkway.
My setup
My thumbnail sketch and underpainting


  1. I'm crazy about this one.

  2. Thank you, Sharon Yarbrough! It was a crazy wonderful trip!
