
Monday, September 28, 2015

The Melon

The Melon, 11x14" oil, Diane Mannion

Making Changes

Thought I was finished with this until I looked at it the next morning (see stage "a" below).  It wasn't working, thought of adding butterflies or another bottle with sticks, anything to break up the teapot and box.  

During breakfast, after discussing the problem with fabulous gourmet cook John, he agreed the painting needed something else.  While he was slicing a melon he said... The Melon!   So, I painted the Chef's Choice.

Sketched melon slices on top of the painting, then wiped off paint with ear swabs and Gamsol to keep the new colors clean.  Here's the demo:
 a. Before change
 b. outlined area
 c. wiped off old paint with ear swabs and Gamsol
d. blocked in new colors... then fiddled with smaller brushes until finished

Don't know if this is the best painting I've ever done, but the melon was the best!