
Friday, December 11, 2015

Ringling Light

Ringling Light, 8x10" oil, Diane Mannion

Ringling Museum, Sarasota

Katie Dobson Cundiff painted a fabulous demo yesterday for about sixty artists and members of 
Here's Katie during the demo.  I'll be taking her workshop in March!

Afterwards, I found a spot in the shade along a path and painted with some friends.  Loved the light hitting the grasses near an old statue, and the red flowers on the distant porch.  I was only able to get to the halfway point on location.
My very loose thumbnail sketch
Painting as it looked before mosquitoes chased me away.   Captured color notes and atmosphere and knew I'd finish the statue and add more details from photo reference later.  Sometimes, it's the last 10%, finishing touches of light that makes a painting work.

Good news!
Jade Plant, 8x10" oil, Diane Mannion


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