
Thursday, November 24, 2016

Pot Nap

Pot Nap, 8x10" oil, plein air, ©Diane Mannion

Forgot My Brushes!

Drove about an hour to the Pottery Express in Punta Gorda to paint with the Peace River Painters last Monday.  This leaning pot caught my eye, especially the shadow pattern on the ground.  

Set up easel with palette pre-loaded and ready to go... then realized I had forgotten to pack my brushes.  Oh, the horror!  Nearby artist, Jeanette, loaned me two brushes, Robert Simmons natural bristol, a type I'm fond of.  Used one scruffy brush for the entire painting, saving Jeanette the trouble of cleaning two brushes.  

My brush cleaning method is first with paper towels and OMS (usually Gamsol) then rubbing the brushes in half a tennis ball with Murphy's Oil Soap and water until water runs clean.  Then pinch water out and let dry on sides (to prevent wood rotting in handle).  My brushes seem to last for years this way.

I've heard stories of artists forgetting brushes and resorting to sticks, twigs, and fingers!  Thank you, Jeanette for saving me that experience.  Another artist forgot her easel that morning but lived close enough to go back and get it.  These things happen, but painting outside's worth the trouble.

Crista, Susan, Sharon, Jeanette, (Wendi with tail in far background), and me!
A lot more artists were scattered all around the area, too.
Great morning!

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