Running Boy, 6x6" oil, ©Diane Mannion
#14 of 30/30. Painted this little guy many times from a snapshot. Classic running pose!
While I was taking photos of a Great Blue Heron standing on the beach, this boy and his accomplice rushed over and threw a handful of pebbles and shells at the bird. HEY! I yelled and off they ran while I captured their escape with my camera. Painting should be titled, Bad Boy!
Experimented again with minimal values and brush stokes and have learned a lot! Most difficult was stopping... letting it be "unfinished... or unpolished." I tend to render the heck out of things, past years as an illustrator coming through.
Underpainting. Loved the ear color and the shorts which are the only things I left alone. Thought back leg was too long here, so shortened it.
LOL. Love seeing the before. Beautiful work :)