
Monday, January 30, 2017

Safe Space

Safe Space, 6x6" oil, ©Diane Mannion


#30 of 30/30  LAST ONE!

I understand this particular model comes equipped with built in wi-fi, pedometer, and alarm clock.
(Google maps or Garmin optional.)

Not political... I stay away from that here and on FB and keep it strictly for art.  Actually thought of this idea long before it became popular in our society.  Simply something silly and fun to paint!

What did I get out of painting 30 paintings in 30 days... again, and for about the fifth time?  A stack of paintings some good, some awful.  Sharpened skill.  New ideas for future paintings.  Material for future book!  And a pat on my own back for a job well done.

Any excuse to mess with paint and brushes makes me happy, so this challenge wasn't as torturous as keeping an exercise challenge would have been.  I'm also an illustrator and thrive on deadlines and goals!

Thank you, Leslie Saeta, (Artists Helping Artists) for conducting this motivating challenge.



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