
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Wave Runner

Wave Runner, 6x6" oil, ©Diane Mannion


#16 of 30/30.  

Another figurative study like the one I painted yesterday... those waves are challenging!  

Worked from a simple snapshot taken and changed the young woman' appearance to protect her privacy.  Even if I had asked her to pose there's no way she could have held this position, rough seas that day! 

Underpainting in red iron oxide and Gamsol.  Burnt sienna works just as well.  As with all of these 30/30 studies, underpainting was dry before working over.  But could also have been worked alla prima or all at once, wet into wet.  

Anything can be painted over if thick paint is used and the angle of the brush is more parallel to the surface than perpendicular.  I like stiff brushes such as Silver Briston which can scoop paint on thick almost like a palette knife.
Here's the color block-in stage of this and yesterday's post. Both painted at same time.

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