
Monday, March 6, 2017

Windy Sunday

Windy Sunday, 9x12" oil, plein air, ©Diane Mannion

Sunday Painters

Painted with Jane Sither and Kathleen Crane near the Boca Grande Lighthouse while fierce winds kept us hunkered down.

My painting, Windy Sunday is a view on the west side looking north.  The beach has eroded about five feet down. There once was a great view of the lighthouse from this spot, now only the top shows. Steps are missing on the foreground structure...  now a perfect perch for crows.

This is how my painting looked fresh from the beach.  Above image is after polishing and tinkering in the studio.  Had painted with sunglasses the whole time, felt the painting needed more contrast, details, and people for scale.  I'm not a plein air purist (one who doesn't retouch later).  I'll do whatever it takes to make a painting work!  

Jane Sither, Me, and Kathleen Crane holding her lovely watercolor!

 My view
Wanted to add the woman reading, but will have to wait until another painting!
 Jane and her wonderful lighthouse!
At times, the sky was speckled with tiny birds we thought might be swallows.

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