
Saturday, May 20, 2017

Clara Painting

Clara Painting, 5x7" pastel, Diane Mannion

Garden of Five Senses
Northport, FL
With Peace River Painters

This started as a 30 minute sketch but could not stop!  The spiral palm on the left first caught my eye, Clara came in as the second act.  Hot and humid morning, happiest with the misty background light.  Having lots of fun sketching with pastels. 

This is on sanded UArt pastel paper using mostly Nupastels and Girault, then a few softer Senneliers on top.  Pastels are a beautiful obsession and perfectly matched with the look of oils, my main focus.  

Pardon the brief posts lately, just out of the hospital and zipping around on my walker (sparks are a flying') and high on meds.  I'm now part robot… two new hips and one knee.  Well on the way to recovery and happy it's over with.  Will have to be studio work for awhile but glad I can manage that!

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