
Saturday, September 30, 2017

Oh, What a Month!

Shadow Napping, sketchbook gouache, September 30

Maine, Brooklyn, and IRMA!

(Will show all 30 September paintings in next few blog posts.)

My painting of Shadow Napping is exactly how I felt after this wild September.  

We were lucky!  All's well!  Sending prayers to those who did not ...

Worked small… all that was possible during this stressful time.  A few oils in Maine, one in Brooklyn, the rest are sketchbook watercolors and gouache.  Only one pastel.  

Managed to do the Strada Easel 30 Challenge on Facebook.  Also the Leslie Saeta 30 Paintings in 30 Days but was not able to post until now.  The discipline of focusing on my work everyday was a soothing meditation in the midst of chaos. 

Even though hurricane IRMA cast a grim spell over the month, there were amazing highlights!
  Spent a week in Port Clyde, Maine at Nanatuck, an artist's retreat.  Met Andrew Wyeth's model, Helga!   Touched by living history!  Painted the sunrise along with fabulous artist friends!
Nanatuck Sunrise, oil, 6x8" My first ever sunrise painting!

  Because of IRMA my flight back to Sarasota from Maine cancelled at JFK, had great, unexpected two week visit with family in Brooklyn, NY.
Trees Grow in Brooklyn, oil, 6x8" view from kitchen window.

Watched IRMA from Brooklyn, worried about John, Shadow, and a 95 year old friend taking shelter in our house, as the storm tracked over Englewood, took last minute turn and weakened.   John had house well shuttered, not in flood zone...didn't even lose power!  Only one tree down, all's well.
Home Again, Home Again, sketchbook gouache.

And also this month...  I was honored to win the James Gurney Paint a Storefront Challenge!  
Albritton Gallery, gouache, 2 day plein air, Winner!

Friday, September 1, 2017


Kayak, sketchbook plein air, 5x8" watercolor/gouache, DMannion


Will be traveling to an artists retreat in Maine next week, so have been practicing sketching with minimalist equipment.  Painted with the Englewood Plein Air Posse at Boca Grande and simplified:

Pocket Palette (
Pentalic Watercolor Sketchbook
Pentel Waterbrush size large
Tiny Moleskine thumbnail sketchbook with pen
Paper towels, a few sheets
And that's it!

Don't know if I'll be able to post much next week without my computer!  And I've signed up for TWO 30 Paintings in 30 Days events!  I know the paintings will get done but may be late posting here.

Happy Painting,