
Friday, March 2, 2018

Snook Haven March Morning

Snook Haven March Morning, 8x10" oil, plein air

Practice Practice Practice

Painted at Snook Haven, Venice this morning with my painting buddy, Eileen.  We've painted together for about 10 years.  Nothing helps get me out there more than someone saying, "Let's paint!"  
Location shot

Snook Haven is a restaurant next to a waterway filled with gators and kayakers.  By the time we finished painting, the busy lunch crowd was pouring in and we were glad to get out of there.  The morning was so beautiful, it was difficult to image another snowstorm happening up north!

Recently, I went through over a thousand panels painted since 2008 that are stored in cabinets and bookshelves in my studio.  Some will be turned upside down and used again, some will be destroyed, but a few kept as reminders of how much progress has been made over the years.  These are a visual diary of my painting journey, many have been thankfully sold or given away as gifts.  

PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!!!  When a musician or an athlete practices, they don't have stacks of evidence, unless they have somehow made recordings of each session.  Painters have sketches, panels, and canvases that tend to pile up.  At least all this clutter proves that work has been done.

My painting this morning at Snook Haven is practice for the next one.  As long as I find joy in my practice… I'll paint on!