Sunday, January 29, 2017

Tube Boy

Tube Boy, 6x6" oil, ©Diane Mannion

3 Color Experiment
#29 of 30/30


Painted with limited palette of Naples Yellow Pale, Red Iron Oxide (RIO), and Ultramarine Blue.  Burnt sienna would work just as well, almost the same as RIO but a bit less transparent.

Found a great range of values, and warm and cool hues.  RIO and Naples Yellow Pale made great skin tones with a touch of blue to darken.  Naples Yellow Pale and Ultramarine Blue for wonderful water.

Naples Yellow Pale acted like a warm white giving the painting an even glow.  Kept my brush out of the Titanium white which is a cold white.

Underpainting with RIO which was completely dry before adding next layers.
Second layer
 Mid-values blocked in so final lights of pure Naples Yellow Pale would pop!
I still haven't gotten around to making those famous Richard Schmid color charts (will someday) but this painting experiment was a good way to learn the range of these three colors (and more fun).

1 comment:

Anne Winthrop Cordin said...

Thanks for the great Demo and congrats on your 30/30 in January!