Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Following In Her Footsteps

Following in her Footsteps, 16x20" oil, ©Diane Mannion

Studio Version

Was happy with the 8x10" study, so painted a larger version with more detail and polish.  Although the small version is loose and spontaneous, I'm pleased with the more considered effect of the studio painting.  

My daughter and granddaughter visited during a blustery winter day, too cold to go swimming, so we walked along Englewood Beach.  I snapped photos (of course).  Most were not painting material but there was something about one snapshot that caught my attention.  

Made my granddaughter younger and almost completely painted the water from visual memory.  No photo could capture the feeling of that day.  My granddaughter lives in NY and my daughter is half way around the world on business.  Bittersweet image for me.
Following in her Footsteps, study, 8x10" oil, ©Diane Mannion

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